I think this is very cool, it works amazingly!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Little Men
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Final Four

No, not basketball or any other sport. This is the final version of the final picture in the 4 part commission. The audience was a a real challenge to do and not have to defined but not be to unclear. Lots of changes and challenges in this one. "Ultimate Fighters, Stare Down", 8 1/2 x 11, Acrylic on Canson board. Picture 23.
Friday, March 26, 2010
10 Things You Must Belive to Appose Universal Health Care
OK You will have to cut and past this one apparently.
OK You will have to cut and past this one apparently.
Three Steps for Part Four

Here are 3 steps of the process of painting the last of my 4 picture commission. This one is "Ultimate Fighters, Stare Down". The first picture is the rough sketch to get the pose etc. The Second picture is the black and white wash prelim to solidify the design. And the third is the almost finished figures and penciled in start of the background. You can see the various changes from one to the other. The pencil sketch was not perfect but the basic poses where right. The Second one made the guy on the right look to old. And in the third, you can see I have "trimmed" the back of the boy with the Mohawk and de-aged the blond boy a bit. This is 8 1/2 x 11 Acrylic on Canson board.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I have developed a new motto and thought I would explain it a bit.
"Live Life As If This Is The Only One You Get!"
I believe in reincarnation, been here before, hope to not be here next time. BUT, far to many Christians waste their lives hoping and praying for a better life AFTER they die! They spend all their time in fear trying to be good enough to get into Heaven and waste the life they are given! If you believe in God, he put you here for a reason NOT so you could waste it trying to be good enough for the after life! LIVE NOW, even Jesus said this! So that is what my new motto is all about. appreciate what you have, live for today and don't waste time worrying about tomorrow OR the afterlife!
"Live Life As If This Is The Only One You Get!"
I believe in reincarnation, been here before, hope to not be here next time. BUT, far to many Christians waste their lives hoping and praying for a better life AFTER they die! They spend all their time in fear trying to be good enough to get into Heaven and waste the life they are given! If you believe in God, he put you here for a reason NOT so you could waste it trying to be good enough for the after life! LIVE NOW, even Jesus said this! So that is what my new motto is all about. appreciate what you have, live for today and don't waste time worrying about tomorrow OR the afterlife!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
To Many Steps Later
Friday, March 19, 2010
Step By Step...

I am now working on the third of four pictures commissioned by the same person. The "Minoan Boxing Boys" and "Gladiator Boys" were his first 2 pictures. So I thought I would show the steps (or at lest the first few) of how I work. Here are the first 3 steps; 1) drawing in the figures. 2) adding black and grey wash underpainting to set them and start to get some form. 3) adding white wash underpainting, again to make them more solid/sculptural.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Devil May Care

Since I have nothing new to post I will post another of my old black and white pictures. This one was done for my now out of print "Darkness & Light" book. I enjoy unusual poses and this was a bit of a strange one. You are looking down on him from above (that is why the legs may look a bit odd). He is trapped in the sigel on the floor as well as by the magical shackles. This is another of the many black and whites I should color! "Bound Demon", 8 1/2 x 11, Micron marker on Bristol.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Stand Up and Be Counted
When you get the Census, since they have no place for us to tell the, check the correct box for your ethnic group for question9, then where it says "Some other race" write in Gay American! That is what I plan to do and will encourage everyone who I know who is gay to do!
Spring Fever

I realised recently I had not done a female picture that I could have for sale at the upcoming Balticon. I like to try to have at least one, just to freak out those who insist I only do males. The recent warm weather sparked this picture. The picture was done on a dark green board and the figure itself is mostly green though it doesn't look like it. I shaded it and highlighted it with Prisma Colors and left the main body the background color. The concept is the Goddess bringing Spring. The globes represent the elements and the seasons;
Spring/Water/Blue, Summer/Fire/Red, Fall/Earth/Yellow, Winter/Air/Silver.
"Green Goddess, Spring", 10 1/2 x 16, Acrylic and Prisma Color on Canson board. Original for sale. (this is a poor scan but I will get better pictures of it and do prints) Picture 21.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hot Gods

This picture will someday have a sequel...I hope. This sold before it was even finished. Someone who had bought a few of my pictures in the past saw this in progress and said "It's mine!" so when it was finished I gave him a price and he said fine and bought it! He is still happy with it and so am I. The God Dionysus is one of my favorite of the ancient Gods. Here he has had a bit to much to drink and is being spied on by a cute satyr. If you look close at the cup it has an orgy on it and all the symbols associated with Dionysus. "Dionysus on the Rocks", 16 x 20, Acrylic and watercolor colored pencil on Canson board.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Men In Black

OK, really, Faeries in black. I have done 3 or 4 black faeries and these 3 were done in the same style. The first (from left to right as you look at them) is "Faerie Drummer", the middle one is "Oberon" and the third is "Oberon's Guard". These were all done in Micron marker on illustration board and then scanned. All were colored after (see older post for "Oberon" in color). These vary from about 13 to 15 inches high and varied in width.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Header Changes

So, I have been playing with the header art for this thing and I like several. I love the Cupid I had up for a while but some of my new work made me want to see what they would be like as headers. I suspect I will periodically change it as it suits my mood. If anyone has an opinion about any of them, please leave a comment. (I have just added a picture of 4 of the newer headers).
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Not Spring Yet

Even though it is a ways off before they start blooming, I thought I would post this study of Dogwood blossoms that I did a few years ago. These are from our own tree just next to our garage. I did this as a Mother's day gift for my mom (or Don's mom, I forget which. I did a wild strawberry study for the other one.) I don't remember how big it is, small maybe 5 inches by 3 or so. This is Acrylic on Canson paper.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Muse Meal

OK, this started as a Muse treat but became more of a meal (taking me 2 days instead of a few hours). I have been a fan of the X-Men since before Jean Grey became the Phoenix, basically since the beginning. Storm is one of my all time favorite X-men (Nightcrawler being the other). Since Marvel loves to play around with alternate universe/time line/whatever, I have decided to do a portrait of the Son of Storm (even if she doesn't have one). I loved her punk, Mohawk and black leather period, it was a great look for her and she was so tough then. So here is "Thunder, Son of Storm", 7 1/2 x 9, Acrylic on Canson board. Original SOLD! Prints available. Picture 20.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Pink World

Planet P Project has an album called "Pink World" (no not a gay themed musical). It is a SciFi story in Rock music and is fantastic! It had a couple of great videos when it first came out in 1984 but I can't find them and would love to own them!
I did this picture (back in 1990) based on/inspired by the song "Baby's at the Door". I have added the main line that the picture was sparked by digitally. I would love to see a movie done based on this album/story, every song is great and the story is intriguing!
"Artemis is Missing...", 16 x 20, Acrylic and watercolor colored pencil on Canson board. Prints available (without lettering).
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Second of Four Done

Finally here is the finished "Gladiator Boys" picture. Provided the person who commissioned it has no changes he wants that is. I really like it and really tried to make the background both subtle and accurate. If you look close at the people in the stands you will see some silly details...well at least one. Prints available. 8 1/2 x 11 Acrylic and watercolor colored pencil on Canson board. Picture 19.
Almost Done
Saturday, March 6, 2010
WIP Next Step

Actually if the last one was step 3 this is maybe step 7...I should have scanned it at least 3 more times between the last step I posted and this one...but I got going and it is better to keep painting than to stop and scan. So, anyway, here is a much more fleshed out Gladiator Boys. Lots more to do, not only the background but also some Celtic designs/tattoos on the red head and maybe a scar or three on both. I hope the person who commissioned this is as happy with it as I am becoming! 8 1/2 x 11, Acrylic on Canson board.
Comments on any of my posts are most welcome! HINT!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Latest Work In Progress
Message for Uncle Orwell
He is one of my followers. I just wanted you to know that when I try to connect to your weble/blog "Pink Hell" it goes to something else and does not open! over rides your site. Pink Hell comes up but emediatly gets covered by and then goes to something else. I can not look at your weble/blog because oof this.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Muse Treats

In an attempt to keep my muse on track doing what I should be doing (commissions), I have started doing small pictures that take little time but let me do almost anything that strikes my fancy. Here is the latest, done in the past couple hours. It is 3 x 5 and is just a "muse treat". The hand looks a bit odd but that is what it looked like, I was working from a photo for the figure. "Balloon Baby", Acrylic and watercolor colored pencil on Canson board. Picture 18.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
First of Four

This is the first of 4 pictures I have been commissioned to do. This one is based on a fresco from Minoa/Create. I tried to do a realistic version of this wall painting and I like parts but not all of it. Maybe it's just the weird hair style or the eye makeup or who knows what, but it still feels off to me. "Minoan Boxing Boys", 8 1/2 x 11 Acrylic and watercolor colored pencil on Canson board. Picture 17.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Idiot Christian Cult ( I can't spell)
A Cristian Cult starved a 1 year old to death for not saying amen after meals! They could get up to 60 years in jail! OH, boo hoo, they should be starved to death as punishment! They are way more evil than guys in jail for consensual sex or smoking Pot! But they are Christians so they get lighter treatment than others! Makes me sick!!
Waves to My Followers

LOL, ok, bad pun, but that is how I am. I did this small piece back in 1997 with the idea of having badges made up for my SCA friends and I who overwhelm newbies with information. We were the Information Tsunami! Based clearly on the famous Japanese print often called "the Great Wave". This is about 4 x 4, Acrylic on Bristol.
Bugger! Lost Another One!
Well, I had 31 followers, now only 30. Of course I know that half never comment and may never even look at this page. My husband, Don (gwynhir), my friend Timberland (who is losing or has lost Internet access), John/Tangent, Jennie and Russell (who are now both addicted to facebook) are all listed as followers but I know they almost never look at the page and most have never commented. I have not figured out who dropped off, but I will have to get used to it and not worry about it since most never contribute so I have no idea if they really even look at the page. Ah Well!
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