Monday, October 11, 2010

National Coming Out Day

Well, they have been doing this for several years and I don't see that it has been a great success, but we have to take what we can get. If you are gay and have not come out yet, please consider doing so! Be sure you have friends and family who you know will support you, even if your family won't (or you think they won't) be sure you have friends who can have your back. Most people are surprised when they come out at just how many of their family and friends already know! If you are an adult and lying to everyone to try and hide being gay, you are doing yourself and those who care about you a disservice. Be yourself and be free!
I don;t know if I have posted this before but I decided "Bluebird and the Serpents Tooth" would be a good picture to post in honor of today. If you are not honest with yourself you are wounded and need to heal.

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