Thursday, January 20, 2011

Name This Picture/ Name Picked

OK, I have no idea what to call this picture. It was done as a free form piece, no theme, no restrictions , no requirements. Just anything that seems good to me, I did. 8 x 20, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil on Canson board.  This is bad scan, once I have a name for it and a better scan both the original and prints will be available. Picture 4.
(Thank you to all those who gave me name ideas, I have decided to call this "Windershines".)


  1. ok, I know it's been done before but Inkheart springs to mind. I really love the sense of a combination of vulnerability and victory. I see the power of some magical substance taking root as though he is about to be posessed of some spell or force. Fantastic use of the screen/window arch and subtle colors in the water!

  2. I think he's holding onto something, uh, important to him.
    I would call it "Swirl Turbation."

  3. Hi Tristan:

    Let's see.... (from the ridiculous to the... well, certainly not sublime, but at least more serious )

    "Yup... still there."
    "Good mornin', Little Buddy."
    "Morning Ablutions"
    "The time? Five of Eleven."
    "Basking in the Afterglow"
    "Warm Ocean Breezes"
    "The Roar of the Surf"
    "Life's a Beach"

    Okay, so some of these ARE stupid, but there might be something you can use in there. And know, above all else, that I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything like that... just having a little fun, probably at my own expense. ;)

    By the way, I really like the piece. I'm not quite certain what the whitish wisps are, but they just reminded me of wind gusts. I just like the overall flow of the piece. It's wonderfully done!

    Your friend,


  4. Thanks to you all for all the name ideas but s far none have seemed right or sparked a good idea from me.

  5. Reminds me of the Maori or Australian bushman
