Monday, February 8, 2010

Not Complaining

But I do wonder if anyone (other than Andy and Pyra on occasion) are even looking at this any more? Haven't had more than 1 comment on anything since the new year started. (my replies don't count). Just wondering...


  1. They don't comment on my "Art By-Products," either. Except for one-word bits here and there. I wish I had more commenters, too. How can we get word out to people to come visit and comment?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmmm.... not really sure, I tell a few friend about your blog but I don't know if it will help. How you've been? The papers here said that most of Maryland, Virgina, Delaware were out of power because of the snow/somekind of strom. They said near 13 million customers without power so...(sorry bout the delete forgot some stuff plus ton of spell errors)

  4. Pyra, I have no clue. I post on Facebook trying to get others to look at/comment on my Weble but get nothing! Andy, we got 2 feet of snow and it's not fun, but we never lost power (thankfully). Hope that luck holds for the next storn about to hit!

  5. Well the next one already hitting us and I've got foot from the first and six so far from the second, and more still coming down and not suppose to stop for another day...

  6. A lot of people tend to read but not comment, I think. I've got a considerable following of readers but still get relatively few comments on my weble ... I just went through the past page of posts and, aside from the slash discussion (which I agreed to host there and so wasn't really a normal audience) seem to usually hover around ten comments, which includes my replies. When you consider that I've been at this for five years and have almost 150 people following me on LJ and own the *only* website for my fandom (~275 members), then that really is not a lot. It's frustrating but, in my experience, pretty normal.
