Saturday, June 8, 2024


Even though the Dragons book is at the printer as I type, I am still painting Dragons. "Black Dragon" (bad title), 13 x 17 1/2, Acrylic, White gel pen and Prisma color on black board. Original in an octagonal frame $200 matted and framed. Picture 9.

Friday, May 17, 2024


The colors are wrong, the blue is a warmer blue than this but no scan or photo is getting it right. So I am sharing this as is even though it is a bad representation. "Silver Dragon/Dragons Gate" 16 x 20, Acrylic, white gel pen, Prisma Color on Canson board. Original SOLD. Prints available (color corectness to be worked out). Picture 8.

Sunday, May 12, 2024


Inspired by someone elses art (I know, what a surprise), I love how this came out. I kept adding and working on the dragon because he was not poping enough. But now I think it is finished. I love working on black. Every single star was hand placed, I am insane. The original is a bit more subtle than the scan. Working title for now "Transcendental Dragon", Acrylic, Prisma color, white and yellow gel pens on black paper. Original $200 matted and framed. Prints available. Picture 7

Saturday, May 4, 2024


Seldome do I have an idea and have it come out so close to what I had invisioned. I am very pleased with how this came out. "Tyger Dragon", 11 1/2 x 16, Acrylic, Micron pen, White gel pen, Prisma colors on Canson board. Original $200 matted and framed. Prints avialable, contact me at Picture 6

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Five on Fire

I had wanted to do a fire dragon for some time and tried once but it just did not work as I had hoped. This pose was based on a very old black and white I did. I think this works as I had wished, but the color is slightly off from the original, scanner issues. "Fire Drake", 9 x 12, Red Micron pen, Acrylic, Pro white on Canson board. Original SOLD. Prints available contact me at

Thursday, April 11, 2024


This is actually the 5th picture I have done this year, but the one before this si not cooperating being scanned or photographed. I am not sure what I think of this, both the picture and the title. "Above the Tower", 9 x 18, Acylic, Prisma color, White gel pen, Micron pens on Canson board. Original $150 matted and framned.Prints available contact me at Picture 4

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Picture 3

This is sort of a sequil to my "Seed of Wisdom" drawing."Flower of Knowledge", 9 x 12, Micron pens, White gel pens, Acrylic on grey toned paper. Original $100 matted and framed. Prints available contact me at Picture 3