Sunday, December 23, 2018

I number my art each year so I know how many I did in a year. Last year I did 58 pictures, the year before that I did 89! I did about 10 less this year than last, 48.
I WANT to do art, I have all kinds of ideas and commissions I am supposed to do. But with my hurt leg and other health issues and my son being in his last months of life...I just can't get into a creative mood!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Final Holiday Card

OK, this is the last one this year, I hope we can get them printed and sent in time. "Japanese Cardinal", 8 x 12, Micron pen, Acrylic and Prowhite on colored paper. Original and prints available. Picture 48.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Another Holiday Card Maybe

I am running out of time to get these printed and sent, but we may not have the money to do it anyway, but I am doing 2 designs like always in hopes that we will send them out. Here is the newest idea, may add words to it before printing. "Snow Bringer", 9 x 13, Acrylic and Prowhite on Canson board. Orignal and prints available. Picture 47.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Laurel Medallion

One of my former apprentices was elevated to the Order of the Laurel (look up and I made this for her. It is her Arms inside a Laurel wreath on a small round wooden disc, I did the beading as well in her personal colors. 46

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Holiday Card Design...Maybe

I started this with the idea it would be one of our Holiday card designs for this year. And while I like this picture I got my proportions wrong and s o it would have to be a slightly cropped version for a card. I have another similar idea and may do it and use it instead of this one. But here is "Winter Wind", 8 1/2 x 11, Acrylic and ProWhite on blue mat board.  Original and prints available. Picture 45.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Here Is My Thoughts and Prayers

Even though he would get off on it, PISS on Trump! Found the picture on Facebook.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Reworked Old Picture

I did this picture several years ago and loved everything about it but the face. So I asked on an artists critique page on FaceBook and got a lot of idiots, but some good suggestions as well. After much consideration I opted for a simple and easy fix, that I think worked. I will post the punished picture and the old and new side by side. Any color differences between the two is strictly a photo anomaly as I only worked on the head/face and nothing else.
"The Light of Nefertem", 14 x 19, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil and Pro White on Canson board. Original $400 matted and framed. Prints available 8 1/2 x 11 $20/ matted $30/ Framed $50. Plus shipping! Larger prints available, just ask.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Inktober 12

Well this will be my last for this year I fear. "Golden Triangle", 9 x 11, Micron pen, gel pen and Gold ink on Tan paper. Original and prints available. Picture 44

Inktober 10 With Color

Anime Boy, 8 x 9, Micron pen, watercolor colored pencil, Acrylic, white pencil, pencil on tan paper.
Original and prints available.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Inktober 9, 10 and 11

These were done earlier but I was not happy with them but decided since I have so few done for this year I would go ahead and post these.

"Dragon Head" in regular ink pen, 7 x 7 1/2 on tan toned paper. Picture 41
"Anime Boy", 8 x 9, Micron pen on tan paper. Picture 42
"Eye", 3 1/2 x 3, Micron pen and white gel pen on tan paper. Picture 43

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Inktober 8

Well, this did not come out as well as I had hoped. I think I need to use a brush and dip pen to get the best effects. This is done again with the Copper plate Gold ink and a dip pen on black paper. "Dragonflies", 3 1/2 x 5 gold in on black paper. Original and prints available. Picture 40.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Inktober 7 Experiment 2

This is another gold on black eagle based on Japanese work. It is done with a dip pen and copper plate gold ink. "Gold Eagle 2", 4 x 5. Original and prints available. Picture 39.

Inktober 6

Small experiment. "Inktober Gold Eagle", 3 1/2 x 4, Gold gel pen on black paper. Original and prints available. picture 38.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Inktober Colored

Here is the finished version of the "Hummingbird and Flowers", 5 3/4 x 12 1/2, Micron pen, Acrylics, Watercolor colored pencil and Prowhite on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 37.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Way Behind But Doing What I Can

Inktober 5, (doubt I will catch up). This will be colored eventually but the inks work for me for Inktober. "Hummingbird and Flowers WIP", 5 3/4 x 12 1/2, Micron pen on Canson board.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Finished New

I was inspired by another artists work (the basic pose) and then I just did what I wanted. I find it very much a hybrid of my fantasy style and my Japanese style. I like how it came out. "Fire Horse", 7 x 18, Micron pen, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil and Prowhite on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 36.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Inktober 4

This will be colored and have a lot more to it, but for now it is my 4th Inktober picture as is. "Fire Horse WIP", 7 x 18, Micron pen on Canson board.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Intober 3

Nothing is working, I am so disappointed and frustrated. Here is an attempt at an inkwash study of the youngest son of a friend of mine. "River study", 6 x 7, India ink wash and prowhite on tan paper. Picture 35.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Inktober 2

Just a quick little thing, it is ok I guess. "Fox on a Fence", 4 1/2 x 5 3/4, Micron pen, white gel pen, watercolor colored pencil on tan paper. Picture 34.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Finished Art

The Inktober drawing has now been painted and is "Ocean Oracle", 8 1/2 diameter, Micron Pen, Acrylic, Watercolor colored pencil and Prowhite on Canson board. Original and prints for sale. Picture 33.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Inktober 1 Already Behind

This will be painted and is far from done, but the ink part is pretty much finished, so here is the first picture for Inktober this year. It is Micron pen on Canson board and is 8 1/2 diameter round.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

New Doll Name Question

I recently got this cute bat boy BJD. Just got his wig (was not expecting him to be a readhead), added new red wings and still hav body blush and other other things to do on him, but I want oppinions on names. I thought I was going to call him Pip, and still like it, but was wondering if Vlad would be beter. What do you all think?

Monday, September 3, 2018

Floating Worlds Finished

After consulting with other artists and reworking some things, I think I am done wit this picture. The figure is a darker blue than the photo shows. "Floating Worlds", 10 1/2 x 17, Acrylic, Egg Tempera, Prowhite, Micron pen, Watercolor colored pencil on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 32.

Still in Desperate Need

Friday, August 31, 2018

New Boy

In spite of my trying not to buy anymore BJDs, I found this little guy and had to have him. He is a Bat boy, so naturally I needed to have him. He is a Soom Teenie Gem and is 10 inches tall and neds hair and faceup etc. I think his name is Pip!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Not Working Out

Well, I started this before Pennsic and loved how it was going. I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do and was frustrated that I had to wait 2 weeks to continue working on it. Well, the background developed as I expected, but my "world" just don't look as I want. I also had to change things on the figure but still not getting the look I want. So any thoughts or ideas on this would be appreciated.

"Floating Worlds WIP".

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Another Pennsic Over

It was a rainy war and I was restricted because of my heart surgery, but overall it went well. I sold less originals than usual but still made a decent amount.

It was an odd war, many people, especially other merchants used just the same word as I did. odd.

I had bad news when I got home, Paul Jeffrey a friend and art patron passed away while I was at Pennsic. He owned my "Hern, Lord of the Green" picture and commissioned a "Winter Hern", which was pict up at war for him and he never got to see the original (he did see a picture of it). I hope the art he bought from me goes to people who appreciate it as much as I know he did.

He will be missed.

Pennsic is a different world and there are people I count as near family who I only see once a year at War. So many came by and asked about my health and asked if I needed anything and offered help and support. I appreciated it all.

The shop stayed 90% dry and no art was lost to water or anything else this year. Hope I can do as well next year.       

Friday, July 27, 2018

Off To War Again

I will be gone for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. Hope to sell lots of art and have fun while not over doing it (Heart surgery was only May 31st and I am still on restrictions).

See you when I get back.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Another Anubis

I got inspired to do this and while I was in the middle of it another artist I know did a similar picture, only her's was Sekhmet and she was pouring blood from a golden goblet. But anyway, lots of work in this, parts I wish were better but parts I am very pleased with. No time to fiddle with it anymore. "Anubis, Waters of Life", 8 x 17, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil and Prowhite on Canson board. Original SOLD, prints available. Picture 31.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Scandinavian Pelican

Well, it is a Pelican badge design based on/inspired by some Norse/Swedish designs I found. I did this as a gift for a friend in the SCA ( ) who was recently elevated to the Order of the Pelican (basically a Knighthood for service). Her personal heritage is Scandinavian so I thought this would suit her. It is on an inch diameter wooden roundel, painted in Acrylic with metallic gold. Her Heraldic colors are blue, white and gold so I did the badge in those colors and did the beading the same.  Picture 30.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Celtic God

I started this maybe 2 years ago but had some issues with his antlers and then the background was just blue...I liked the figure to much to scrap it so I held on to it till I got inspired to finish it. "Hern in the Greenwood", 9 1/2 x 12 1/2, Acrylic, ProWhite and Prisma Color on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 29.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Something NOT Japanese

Anubis is one of my favorite ancient Gods to paint and there is a guy who always wants new Anubis art. So her is my latest picture of the Egyptian God. "Anubis at the Door", 10 1/2 x 13, Acrylic and Prisma Colors on black board. Original SOLD, pints available. Picture 28.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Last Calendar Picture

I had enough art for this years Pennsic calendar but 3 of them were very monochromatic, so when I was inspired to do this, I decided it had to replace one of the more bland pictures. "Tiger Samurai", 7 x 13, Acrylic, Micron pen, Watercolor colored pencil and Prowhite on Canson board. Original SOLD. Prints available. Picture 27.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Wild Japanese

It seems I needed a picture for my calendar cover and I think this will be it. "Tiger Ronin", 10 1/2 x 18, Acrylic, Micron pen, Watercolor colored Pencil and Prowhite on Canson board. Original and prints available. (I will get a better picture of it tomorrow). Picture 26.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Japanese Experiment

I had the idea, using a different pose and it did not work o ut, so I found this pose and liked the blades. The idea behind this is that both the Japanese and Chinese Royal families trace their blood line back to Dragons. So some time in the mythical past, a dragon had sex with a human and that is where the Emperors of  Japan and China came from. This is the first born, the Prince born from a Dragon father and a human mother. "Dragon Prince", 9 1/2 x 20, Micron pen, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil and Prowhite on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 25.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Japanese Ghost

Well, an old Inktober piece finally got color. "Butterfly Ghost", 5 1/2 x 12 1/2, Micron pen, Acrylic, Prowhite and watercolor colored pencil on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 24.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Last Picture Before Surgery

I hope very much that this is not my last picture ever. I go in to have heart surgery in a few hours. "Fire Dragon", 4 1/2 x 10 1/2, Acrylic and Prowhite on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 23.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Japanese Brush Painting Inspired

Not quite the same as the print inspired pictures but still fun. I normally don't like landscapes but doingthem this way I can enjoy. "View of the Bay", roughly 6 1/2 x 10 1/2, Acrylic and Prowhite on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 22.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Still Makeing Japanese Art

Well, Balticon was not great but was not bad, I sold several pieces so I need to make more already. "Ghost Gryffon", 6 x 14, Acrylic and Prowhite on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 21.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Last One

OK, this is the last picture for Balticon. "Queen of the Night", about 9 x 16 (I forgot to measure it), Acrylic and Micron pen on Matt board. Original SOLD, prints available. Picture 20.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

More Japanese

Maybe my last picture before Balticon, hope not my last ever. Not the greatest photo, may get a new one if the sun is out tomorrow. "Wind", 10 x 20, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil, ProWhite, Prisma color and Micron pen on Canson board. Original SOLD, prints available. Picture 19.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Japanese Spirit

I had 2 ideas for this picture and after asking others what I should do, I tried several times and several poses and then tried the second idea...nether worked. Then I thought about different spirits from Japanese mythos. The Tengu is a complex and confusing spirit as it is derived from a word for dog, but was a bird spirit. So, I decided to do a bird with a spirit face to go with this flower. "Tengu Bird Spirit with Flower", 9 x 17, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil, ProWhite and Micron pen on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 18.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Steampunk Veiw

I have a "frame" that looks like a porthole and so I decided to do a picture specifically with that in mind. But not from a ships porthole, but from an Airships. "Veiw From Porthold 3", 7 inch diameter circle, Acrylic and ProWhile on Canson board. Original SOLD, prints available. Picture 17.

Here it is in the frame.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Favorite Subject

I love bats and finding Japanese style bats to inspire me is not as easy as I would think. I also love Luna moths, so putting the two in this picture was great fun. Night pictures are not uncommon in classical Japanese prints, so this idea was not hard to come up with. "Out of the Dark", 6 x 12, Acrylic, ProWhite and Micron pen on matt board. Original SOLD, prints available. Picture 16.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Another Japanese Gryffon

The color is a bit off but here is the latest picture for Balticon/Pennsic/whatever, Leopard Hawk Gryffon", 7 1/2 x 13 1/2, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil, Micron pen and ProWhite on Canson board. Original SOLD, prints available. picture 15.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Circular Art

Many years ago I did a pictured called "Steal Koi" and I have always wanted to do another similar themed picture. I got a round frame and bout a domed glass for it and decided that is what the new koi picture would be done to fit in. So here is "Mystic Koi", 7 1/2 diameter circle, Acrylic, Watercolor colored pencil, ProWhite and Micron pen on Canson board. Original SOLD, prints available. Picture 14.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Tiny and Fast

I got inspired late last night and did the sketch and was able to do the inking and color today. This is "Tiny Wagtail Gryffon", 3 1/2 x 10 (roughly), Acrylic and Micron pen on Canson board. Original SOLD,  prints available. Picture 13.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Finally More Art

Not sure how much more I will get done before Balticon and before my surgery. But at least I have one more picture. "Drummer Boy" inspired by a traditional Japanese print, 8 x 14, Acrylic, watercolor colored pencil, ProWhite and Micron pen on Canson board. Original and prints available. Picture 12.