Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy May Day!

I did this several years back as a black and white. This is a hand colored print. "May Day", 8 1/2 x 11 Acrylic on printed card stock. The real May pole was a phallus and the celebration was a fertility thing. Prints available.


  1. It is based on actual standing stones carved to look like giant phalluses. They used to be all over most of Europe!

  2. Your are correct in that but also may day is only celebrated as a fertility only in Englo-pagan socities. every where else it is a protest/labor holiday if celebrated at all. Also in French it is a Lily giving holiday where bunches of Lily are giving as good luck charms...(being a ego-know-it-all again)in Hawaii it's Lei day.

  3. The oldeest celebrations are the fertility ones. The labor/worker day thing is much more modern! All others are later additions as well! lol

  4. Totally awesome!
