Thursday, February 5, 2009

not a blog

Well, since "blog" supposedly stands for Web Log and I don't like that name, I am calling this a "Weble" from now on. Spread the word :)


  1. i just call mine a journal. or LJ. very cute fish. and how does one pronounce that anyway. i am dyslexic so i see it as those toys that wobbled but never fell down til you hit them with a large hammer repeatedly.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It should be pronounced "web l" since it stands for web log, not weeble like the toy.

  4. Hi Tristan:

    I, too, cannot stand the "b" term. I use "journal" as well, since that's really what it is. My utter distaste for and distain of the "b" term stems from my general rage against the dumbing down of the populace and the acceptance of texting shortcuts, invented words, and creative spelling.

    I'm going to stop ranting here before I "Hulk out" and destroy my keyboard.

  5. Jon, I to hate the dunbiong down of the populace and texting shortcut language makes me crazy. Made up words, or craetive spelling when done right are fine with me though. I mean "Jaberwaki" (I doubt I spelled that right) is a favorite "poem" of mine after all. Ha ha, I could have called this thing a Slivy Tov... but for me Weble works and I will be trying to incoutrage others to use it :)


  6. I can not spell and can't edit the stupid comments. In the last post it should say "dumbing down".

  7. Tristan:

    I suppose I should clarify my comments. The types of "invented words" I abhor are those born out of laziness; the mashing up of two -- or more -- words to "create" a "new" word. If one insists on doing that, then one should at least include the apostrophies to indicate the omission of letters. Oh, wait -- that would mean an extra keystroke or three, and we can't have that. (Sarcasm rears its head once more!)

    Entirely NEW words, though, are just fine in my book. I've coined a few myself, such as "spurfle." It refers to the bits of food left on a plate that are simply too small to pick up with a fork but which still create a mess on the plate. The original use came in conjunction with "pizza," as in "pizza spurfle."

    But I digress. Actually, I shouldn't be wasting your journal -- okay, weble -- space with my tirades; I've got my own journal area for that.

    May a chorus of castrated werewolves lull you to sleep! ;)
