Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New and Different

Funny how something I thought would be quick ended up taking so long. I tried using different techniques on this picture and doing something a bit Anime style. Let me know what you think of it...now back to the "Fairy Ring" sequel. Picture 27.


  1. Rather awesome i must say.

  2. My eye finds great enjoyment in the placement of the details, the posture of the body and the gentle swirls on the armour. indeed given your previous lack of anime influenced art i am rather in awe of the nature of this piece since without being truly anime itself it very much coveys that flavour and feel.

  3. I am more familiar with quantum mechanics than with anime, but I love guys with wings (and pointy ears, but I digress ... ;) I think I've complimented how your paint fur and feathers before, in person, if not on this weble. My eyes went first to the wings, which look soft. (I wish I could touch them!) The details are lovely; of course, the gem on his armband is beautifully done.

  4. Awesome! While your art style is not anime, I think you've incorporated enough elements to give it an anime feel. I also makes me think of the Soul Calibur games, as they have some exotic outfits on the characters. And he would be one of the characters I'd just want to sit and ogle, rather than play....
