OK, since I seem to be on a flame theme. This is called "Flame Wings", Acrylic, Pigma Micron pen, watercolor colored pencil and I think a little Prisma color all on Bristol paper, 11x 14. I like the contrast between his skin and wings and the stonework.
For some reason I saw the stone gargoyle and the S-curved part that your demon holds onto, as some sort of biomorphic machine. Have you ever done a robotic, industrialoid figure or environment?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the gaming comment by the way.
I'm truly amazed at the amount of works you produce! So much Creativity/Talent, and only 2 hands to let it out! :) How DO you find the time to do it all?
ReplyDeleteWell...normally I am pretty prolific and do alot of art, but this year is being an exception and I am doing WAY more than I normally do. Not sure why. As for how I have time, hmm, that is like asking how you have time to breath. I do not paint or draw because I want to, I do it because I MUST do it to live. If I go to long without creating something, I get depressed and worried and just not well.
ReplyDeleteno akirashima said; I like the texture of the sky. it is like scribbled but not. and the stone work looks a little like metal as well. for a second i thought the head was a decoration on a motorcycle. demon naked biker. the only thing i think could be better is the wings cause when i think of flames i think of Sharra and those flames were awesome. (i beleive her name was that the fire goddess in the stone from the darkover stuff)
ReplyDeleteWhen I first looked at the picture, the stonework looked like metallic machinery. I think it was the textured s curve in front of him that did it.