Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mountains of Madness...er Fairyland

This is the second idea I had for a feather recently. I have done figures and animals but other people do those and I wanted to try something different. Again, I am not sure just how well it really works, but it was an interesting exorcise. I did end up using an iridescent tenting medium to give some sparkle to the water. The feather is 2 x 4 inches. Picture 21.


  1. Beautiful, I wish I had some way to express myself in some art form!

  2. you know maybe painting on odd feather patterns that do not belong to any real feather would be interesting. or bits of sigils and such making it look like a wizards artifact. you could do some intersting wraps on the quill and maybe accent it with tiny feathers. or i could do all that and save you the trouble... I really need someone where to write all these ideas down since i am so frikken busy with this book thing and some other stuff. not going to be able to get to it for a while. maybe i can draw something really quickly in my little sketch book i am carring around now.

  3. Well Theddy, you wrote it down here so, maybe when you are ready/able, you can look on here and be reminded.

  4. Valinor! I mean *ahem* this one is lovely; I really like it. :)

    (It does look like Valinor, though, except for the lack of a tall sparkly tower in the break in the mountains. Don't mind me, I'm a Tolkien geek. But you knew that. :)
