OK, this is a bad picture because it was taken inside and I am not a great photographer. But I finally finished the second actual original picture of the year. This picture was inspired by a story told to me at a party at a SciFi Con. This guy told me that he had seen something over the Summer that reminded him of my work. He said he has been somewhere (West Virginia or something) and that along a mountain road, coming out of the woods/field he say a boy (young teen) who was bare chested, sweaty and had a raven on his shoulder. The image stayed in my mind and this is what I came up with based on it. "Summer Secrets", 16 x 20, Acrylic and watercolor colored pencil on Canson board. Original available just ask for a price.
Lovely! And no problem with the raven, though I still wonder about those talons digging into the boy's bare shoulder (ouch!).
ReplyDeleteTo Pyra: actully bird claw/talons really dont hurt as much as you probly think. I've had several bird(non which I owned) sit on bare skin and didn't even leave stratches or marks.
ReplyDeleteTo Tristan: I could probly imagine a person simliar in reality because I a raven with a bag of cheetoes in it mouth flying into the woods. Great picture.
That's neat. The raven on his shoulder makes me think of him as a son of the Morrigan.
ReplyDeleteOriginal Sold in case anyone wanted to know. Prints are available.